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venerdì 9 novembre 2012

Get Rich!! Chinese Wealthy Folk Tale Is Materialized 【Tangspirit Creation】

Get Rich!!
Chinese Wealthy Folk Tale Is Materialized

[Left photo] Tangspirit Taiwan Cypress Treasure Bowl

Treasure bowl originates from a Chinese folk tale, which mentions the wealthy man Shen Wan Shan owns a treasure bowl unexpectedly. The jewels or other treasures put in the bowl, will propagate themselves. The Chinese "Feng Shui" theory recommends to put the treasure bowl at specific place (such as hall way) for fortune.

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Unforgettable experience-
Applying Tangspirit Cypress Essential Oil

[Right photo] Taiwan cypress apple sculpture, essential oil

Tangspirit Cypress Treasure Gift Package contains an apple sculpture, essential oil, and pellet bag, they are all made by Taiwan cypress. This essential oil is extracted from original cypress by distillation process, it is natural and pure without any additional chemical component. The smell of it comes firstly with a very fresh feeling, then sustains a stable sense for hours. It's very refreshing and unforgettable experience to apply Tangspirit Cypress Essential Oil.

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More information about Taiwan Cypress Natural Series

[Bottom photo] Taiwan Craft Boutique Gift Package - Fruitfulness
Contains 2 pieces of wooden gourds made by Konishii Fir  in package


Tangspirit is a branding company based in Taiwan, marketing and delivering products with Chinese culture background and Taiwan handicraft.

Our goal is to create excellent user experience and meet customer's satisfaction. In the meantime, we aim to be one of brightest brands all over the world!

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Taiwan Cypress is the treasure of the world with its uniqueness, strength, and fragrance. The chemical components β- thujaplicin and Phytoncides in Taiwan Cypress, born in the wild nature over the mountains, is very useful and healthy to human body mentally and physically.

Tangspirit Taiwan Cypress Treasure Bowl is an amazing craft made by original Taiwan Cypress, it preserves the natural grain and smell of piece of wood, and is turned out to be a beautiful shape of a treasure bowl. The fragrance of natural Taiwan Cypress spreads out when you open the wooden cap of the treasure bowl. As Taiwan Cypress is very rare, Tangspirit Taiwan Cypress treasure bowl becomes even more valuable. This treasure highlights your tastes, and it's exactly worthy to be cherished on your collection list.

  Copyright:    Tangspirit Creation Co. Ltd.
TEL: 886-2-27971345     FAX: 886-2-27971381
2F, No.10, Lane 53, Sec 2, Huanshan Rd., Neihu, Taipei, Taiwan


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