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martedì 18 agosto 2020

Assia Fiorillo is finalist @ Amnesty Int. Italy_Contest "VxL - Voci per la Libertà" (Voices x Freedom)

Singer/song writer from Napoli, Assia Fiorillo has been nominated among the finalists, classified herself in the rose of the best 5 nomenees (this year all women) in the singing competition Voci Per la Libertà - A song for Amnesty - Emerging Artists session - and won a special price by "Viva la Radio! Network". 

The live concerts kermesse and music contest dedicated to Human Rights has taken place from July 31 through to August the 2nd 2020 in the outdoor esplanade of the Congress Centre in the seaside resort Rosolina Mare (Rovigo, Italy).

Special anti-Covid measures have been taken to allow people to join the 3-days contest via a pre-registration procedure with a limited quota of seats. Every spectator had to notify personal data like e-mail & handyphone that were double checked even on the spot crossing the pieces of info already given online.This applied even the minors and all have been located respecting the distancing restrictions: every seat had in fact a space all around of 2mts, righft, left, in front & in the back.

Frequent kiosks for hands disinfection were scattered in the area that, anyway, was open-air and more easy to be handled in comparison with an indoor premise or theatre.

As per what declared the organizers, no special seats have been reserved to the press & photoreporters that, either were lucky to find an entrance ticket during the online pre-registration or, had to queue to eventually get a last minute seat. 

We have been attending the contest nontheless as could get some entrance tickets online but no badge or anything was attributed to let the audience understand the reasons of our movements around the stage. This would have disconforted even the most patient journalists and we believe only the passion for music could drive us this time to attend the contest, even fronting a little risk of contagiation!

By chance or by intuition, our music critique education draw us to interview, film & photograph the right artists and therefore we are back with good illustrating material that we produced by concentrating us with the winner of the emerging artist session ( H.E.R.), the prized singer by the public (Adriana Iè), the prized band by the Independent Music Collective Mei Musplan (Ennesimo Piano B) and also a one woman show, singer & song writer, capable to play all the instruments for the orchestration of her music composition (Micaela Tempesta).

Of course we have much appreciated & filmed a great guest star (Marina REI) as well as the absolute winner of the Big Stars Session (Nicolò Fabi) prized for the lyrics of his song "Io sono l'altro" (I am the other) from his recently recorded album "Tradizione e Tradimento" (Tradition & Betray).

Both artists have generously performed half a concert each, with the consequent enthusiasm of the audience.

Coming back to one of the 5 finalists in the Emerging Artists session, Assia Fiorillo has sung with a fine patronage of the stage with a clear harmonious voice which really never needs to forcedly scream as made of little hues, refined harmonics, strong touching words...

Assia is not new at Amnesty International Italy as she took part in the kermesse already few other times being the frontwoman of another band, made all by women, called "Mujeres Creando" from Napoli.  

It's been a big affirmation for her artistical carreer this year. She has been portrayed in a docufilm at the national RAI Tv for having composed this song in hommage to the women that are in detention in 2 jails that she has visited & where she got inspired to compose her song.  

The live music video with this important song is being premiering on Youtube this weeek round. Enjoy good music & very important lyrics Assia composed on the terrible theme of the sorrows many women, especially in depressed environments, go through, in society & in the troubles with justice & politcs...Especially the women that suffer from not being economically independent & feel obliged to break the socially & politically correct rules in order to overcome & let their children survive. 

*** From the song : *** " Fault: wear my shoes & then you'll see how to hold this heavy weight while still standing...  And if I undress, you'll count my scars and bruises that I will not hide. Instead, they'll help me remember while healing. And if I see you, child girl aged 9, who are already on the road, then I am You. Love in begging, weeping without tears..."(...) 

The theme on disrespect, abuse & violence against women is also choosen by Amnesty for all the forthcoming year & is being followed up by ongoing petitions and appeals on & offline. 

Music composition: Io sono te · written by Assia Fiorillo · Amalia De Simone 

Album: Io sono te ℗ Assia Fiorillo Released on: 2020-07-03 

Label: Believe Music 

Being the lyrics so important and meaningful, it has been done an extra effort in the music live video: Italian language syncronized lyrics have been added at the player, so it is possible to have a translation of the song in any foreign languages

(Aggiunte le liriche sincronizzate per chi desidera leggere o imparare la canzone, selezionabili cliccando il bottone dei sottotitoli sul player). 

 Watching this video on Youtube, will lead you directly to the entire playlist of songs

recorded during Voci per la Libertà / Una canzone per Amnesty in the different yearly editions.

(It's a compilation in progress and new music videos are frequently added).

For those who are interested in watching the stage photos, a whole album with photos shot at the artists musicians during this & the previous editions can be publically seen at the Stefano Wolf Flickr profile:


 IO SONO TE (I am You) - Lyrics - 

(Assia Fiorillo · Amalia De Simone) 

Buio. Sono la vostra indifferenza
Da qui si lascia andare ogni più piccola indulgenza.
Colpa. Indossa le mie scarpe e vedi
Come si porta questo peso e prova a stare sempre in piedi

E se mi spoglio tu conta ferite e lividi che curerò
sono la vita che scelsi e non li nascondo ma ricorderò

(Ref.) Io sono te cresciuta nella mia famiglia
Io sono te nel mio quartiere complicato
Io che ho creduto all’assenza dello stato
Non l’ho cercato più ma è lui che mi ha trovato

Io sono te se a nove anni sei già in strada
Io sono te e dopo accada quel che accada
Io che correvo senza mai sentire il vento
l'amore in elemosina piangeva senza pianto

Cifre. Siamo dei numeri sui fogli
Il copia e incolla dei burocrati confonde vita e sbagli
Soldi. E' questa la mia condanna
comprare occhi riverenti è solo scorza che ti inganna

E se mi chiami Caina per quanto son stata cattiva, lo so
Sono passata attraverso gli spari e gli errori che non rifarò

(Ref.) Io sono te cresciuta nella mia famiglia
Io sono te nel mio quartiere complicato
Io che ho ceduto all’assenza dello stato
Non l’ho cercato più ma è lui che mi ha trovato

Io sono te se a nove anni sei già in strada
Io sono te e dopo accada quel che accada
Io che correvo senza mai sentire il vento
l'amore in elemosina piangeva senza pianto

Sbarre. Di giorno filtrano illusioni
spente dal buio dei pensieri per chi ho lasciato fuori

Ref. Io sono te (...) 


Editorial written by White ANGEL

Web Diffusion Stefano Wolf

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