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domenica 9 agosto 2020

HER wins "A song for Amnesty-Voices for Freedom" with the song "Il mondo non cambia mai"

H.E.R. Singer & violinist is the winner of "Voices x Freedom / A song for Amnesty” 2020, 23rd edition, session Emerging musicians which took place from July 31 through to August 2nd.

The contest is dedicated to music & human rights. H.E.R. in her live performance presented the song “Il mondo non cambia mai” (World never changes) against any form of racism and discrimination.


©White ANGEL Photography H.E.R. 
HER  Ph. ©White ANGEL

HER introduced herself in front of the audience very smartly & clearly with just two short sentences: 

“My song refers to the difficulties of my condition: in the world there are two kinds of women, those who were born females and those who have passed and become females. I belong to this second category". 

Gifted of a clear pure voice, capable of a large tonal extension, not at all artefacted but, instead, spontaneus & touching the cords of emotions & deep feelings, sometimes revealing past sorrows, she appeared secure & timid at the same time. Perfect metrics in the rap passages, with interesting lyrics,fine articulation always very understandable with no flaws. 

Either than the beautiful pure voice, #HER has been much liked for her spontaneity in dancing & overall manners, never pretending to forcedly amplifying or imitating the fake feminine stereotypes in which no modern woman would recognize herself. A slight awkwardness in movements on both stage & backstage made her instantly sympathetic. 

A private dialoge with her revealed purity in soul & true feminine identity besides her good true human essence. For all these reasons, among the 5 women finalists of the contest "A song for Amnesty - Voci per la Libertà" (Voices for Freedom), she has been my choice, hoping but definitely not knowing that she would have won! 

In the limited time photographers & photoreportes have in-between the various performances, we have the opportunity to decide to interview or portrait very few artists. Being in this occasion an independent photoreporter for Good &no-profit, I have full arbitrate to decide whom to photograph & interview. Therefore, I concetrated the attention on HER and asked to portrait this great artist singer & violinist in a short shooting that took place in the conference hall of the Inside Theatre of the Congress & Exhibition Center, seat of the live concerts kermesse & contest in Rosolina Mare, on the upper East side of Italy, Venetian Region. She graciously accepted my proposal & in few minutes we scored a cute lil shooting that I faded in my video at the end of the live song recording. The 2nd part of my video is dedicated to the official proclamation & prizing HER as absolute winner of this competition, for the emerging artists session, showing Amnesty International Italy's President Emanuele Russo handing her the important Award. 

H.E.R. won also an additional prize “Noise Simphony Indieffusion” by an independent records label which every year rewards the most promising artist at this event, offering the opportunity to the winner to produce a new EP album. 

Her first album is called “Violins”. The 2nd whole album containing the new song in Italian language entitled “Il mondo non cambia mai” (World never changes), accordingly to her producer #GianniTesta whom I shortly interviewed, will be ready after next September, the time when another important competition “MusiCultura” will take place in Italy. HER received the nomination to partake among the 16 finalists. 

Wishing her the best success for the next soon contest, I may dedicate to Her (!) my music video. There is a slight delay in tuning as I preferred to record it keeping the acoustic quality at the highest possible level & the motions suffer a little of the heavy weight of the tuning. This is also worsened by the setting of the laudspeakers & boosters right in front of the photographers setting that provoke a sort of echo delaying a little the returnal of music in front of the audience. On the other hand, at the outdoor esplanade where live concerts take place, the acoustic is particularly fine without big distortion or dispersions. This allows to turn rather good videos even without particularly sophisticated means.

The winning song by HER video will premièring on Youtube tonight Sunday 9th of August at 10pm Italian time (+2 Gre. time). It's my pleasure to publish it in preview on this portal "Musica TuttoDisco" specialized on quality music.

There it is:

My channel is not monetized &, since I turn my video as no-profit products of my intellectual efforts & music passion, by all means you can add them at your playlists or share them in whichevever social networks, provided you credit me & my Youtube channel as videomaker & that you also credit the name of artists hosted in my videos as long as you respect the capitulate of educational no-profit videos & don't commit errors on copyrights infringements. More songs & artist musicians are yet to come in my Yoube channel AllrightheANGEL soon soon...Enjoy the good vibes! 


Written by WhiteANGEL

Web diffusion Stefano Wolf

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